Follow Friday

4/23/2010 – Follow Friday

FollowFriday If you are on Twitter, you are probably familiar with the concept of FollowFriday or #FF.  The idea behind FollowFriday is that you share people in your network that you think that others who are followers of yours should be following.  I don’t think this should be limited to just Twitter, that is why I have decided to start featuring 2 people on my personal and business blogs that I feel you should be following.  So without further ado, two people you should be following are:

Have a great time getting to know these two great guys!

Follow Friday

4/23/2010 – Follow Friday

follow_friday If you are on Twitter, you are probably familiar with the concept of FollowFriday or #FF.  The idea behind FollowFriday is that you share people in your network that you think that others who are followers of yours should be following.  I don’t think this should be limited to just Twitter, that is why I have decided to start featuring 2 people on my personal and business blogs that I feel you should be following.  So without further ado, two people you should be following are:

Enjoy getting to know these guys, let me know of anyone you think I should be following.